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身披光环的多面手:Blue Yeti 雪人麦克风获得业界好评

官方新闻稿 发布于 2013-08-24 ·


*MacUser杂志 2013年5月10日文章《Best Mac for making music》中的”Best Mic to go with your Mac(Mac电脑用最佳话筒)”。

*BoingBoing网站2013年2月19日文章:“This retro-looking desktop microphone has several features that make it vastly superior to the one I used to use…The best thing about the Yeti is the built-in headphone amp, which allows me to monitor my voice in real time(这款外观复古的桌面麦克风有众多出色的细节,使得他在众多方面超越了我曾经用过的同类麦克风…Yeti最棒的一点是内置的耳放,可以让我实时监听我自己的声音).”

*The Strings杂志2011年1月 刊物文章《Meet Yeti----The Ultimate Professional USB Mic from Blue Microphone》:” "When used to record violin – as well as guitar and vocals – the Yeti provides impressive depth and response on the low end, and a desirable clean, crispness on treble frequencies(当录制小提琴时—或者录制吉他和人声时,Yeti能带来令人印象深刻的声音下潜感和低频反应,以及性感的清脆,干净的高频).”

*Best Stuff网站2011年2月18日文章:"To sum it all up, the Blue Yeti made an amateur like me sound like a professional! I would recommend the Yeti to anyone looking for a USB microphone(总体来说,Yeti能让一个业余录音玩家,比如我,听起来像一位职业录音师!我将Yeti推荐给任何一位在寻找一款USB麦克风的人)."

*MacLife杂志2010年8月27日文章:”Our audio recordings sounded crisp and clean. The stereo recording setting was especially impressive(我们的录音测试结果清脆而干净。立体声录音模式尤其让人印象深刻).”

*MacWorld网站2010年6月1日文章:”The Yeti has loads of gain. Even with the Gain knob cranked only halfway up, I got a good signal while speaking from nine-or-so inches away...the Yeti sounds good, packs plenty of gain, and offers a lot of value and versatility...(Yeti的增益比较大,当我离他大概9英尺左右说话的时候,即便把Gain旋钮只开到一半,都能录制非常好的信号…Yeti听起来很不错,增益很大,带来很高的性价比和多样性)."

*Wired杂志2009年9月10日文章:"For folks getting started in recording on their computer, whether it's for podcasting or music, this mic offers a ton of versatility and the recording quality that Blue had built its name on(对于刚刚开始在电脑上录音的哥们儿来说,不管是录播音节目还是音乐,这款麦克风提供了极强的多样性和Blue品牌引以为豪的录音质量)."

*CNET网站2009年12月16日文章:"The Yeti is one of the richest sounding, sonically flexible USB microphones money can buy(Yeti是价格亲民的USB麦克风当中音色最温暖,声学上最灵活的一款)."



来看一下Yeti在录制木吉他时候的表现!与之比较的是Blue同门的Snowball和Audio Technica的AT2020,明显我们能感觉到Yeti音色的温暖、肥厚。 

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