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不同的声音——三款主流桌面音箱 Elevate 5、Eris E4.5 和 Mackie CR4 老外试用评测

官方新闻稿 添加于 2016-03-23 ·


共有 4 条评论


Elevate 5

Decent desktop speakers

By monkuboy

These speakers come with a nice satin black finish and the construction quality/fit and finish appear to be well done. While they dont seem to have "high density wood cabinets" like the description says, they are certainly solid enough for desktop use.


In the box are the two speakers, a stereo mini 1/8" to RCA cord for connecting the source signal to the right speaker, and a 1/4" cable to connect the right to the left speaker. Also included are easy to understand directions and some thin pads for the bottom of the speakers. They are easy to set up.


I connected mine to a Schiit Modi USB DAC connected to my desktop PC. The music was from .flac files played via Foobar 2000.

我把我的Schiit Modi USB DAC解码器连接到我的PC上,音源选用了Flac的无损格式,播放器用了Foobar 2000。

Overall, the sound from these speakers is clear and clean, with somewhat of a forward quality. That is, there is an emphasis in the middle and upper middle ranges that makes voices and instruments in that range seem to stand out more. Bass is adequate and I am thankful that Alesis had the good sense not to go for what too many manufacturers do these days, which is emphasize the bass so that you wind up with boomy and muddy sound. There is a switch on the back to enhance the bass, which I found is better to just leave off. I find the bass is perfectly adequate with the switch in the off setting.


There are a couple of bass ports in the front of the speaker. I like this design better than having them in the rear because it allows the speakers to be placed closer to the walls without making the bass too prominent. Those of you reading this review may get the idea that I am anti-bass. Im not - I just dont like to have exaggerated bass or exaggerated anything when listening to music.


Are these suitable for studio monitors? No, but they do sound pretty good. You can turn up the volume fairly high without distortion and without the cabinets starting to buzz. I recently reviewed a similar pair of desktop speakers made by Samson and these Alesis speakers are hands down better than they are in all respects. Even the use of a 1/4" cable to connect the left and right speakers is nicer than the hair-thin speaker cable that came with the Samsons. The latter was also guilty of boomy, muddy and exaggerated bass and had some cabinet resonance problems when turning up the volume. The Alesis do not suffer from any of these maladies.


Overall, these speakers present clean sound and are easy to listen to. Id recommend considering them for desktop or portable device use.They are the best speakers for me,in the $200 area!


Eris E4.5

Awesome Studio Monitors!

By M Cox

When I first turned on this system, I forgot that I had muted my speakers prior to setup. The volume was about 70% of full power and when I unmuted these speakers, it almost blew me out of my chair. There was no distortion that I could hear - just crystal clear loud sound. So theres absolutely no shortage of power. The power amplifier is in the right speaker and is a lot heavier than the left speaker.


There is an auxiliary input and headphone output on the front of the right speaker along with the power switch and volume control. Even though these speakers are somewhat larger than most desktop computer speakers, the black color helps keep them from being so conspicuous. There is a switch in the back that allows you to select different AC power presumably letting you use these in foreign countries. The speakers are a ported bass reflex configuration. There is a Low Cutoff switch adjustment on the rear of the right speaker to select 80, 100 Hz or flat response. If you expect full deep low frequency sound, I think youll want to use a powered subwoofer in addition. Thats what I plan to do. Theres another switch called Acoustic Space. I could not detect any difference in the sound in any of the three selections - sounded the same to me. I admit my hearing is certainly not what it once was. It appears to be attenuation related: 0, -2 and 4- db.

这对音响有一个辅助输入接口,和一个耳机输出接口在右边音箱的前面板上。尽管这对音箱比很多桌面电脑音箱大,但是黑色的外观颜色能让音箱整个看起来很瞩目。音箱背后有一个开关能帮助你选择AC电源输入电压,以适应不同国家的标准。这对音箱有低频控制功能,有一个位于右边音箱后面板的低频切除开关可以选择80Hz,100Hz或者平直。如果你想要更好的低频,我觉得你会想要一个低音炮配合这对音箱使用。这也是我计划去实现的。它还有另一个开关,名字叫Acoustic Space。我并不能分辨这个开关的三个不同选项之间有什么区别,听起来都一样。我得承认我的听力大不如前了。这个开关给出了0,-2和-4 db三个不同选项。

While these powered speakers may be somewhat expensive for computers, they can be used for speakers for your television set as well. There are a multitude of applications for this powered speaker set, such as soundstage speakers. If these speakers are within your budget, I dont think youll be disappointed with the sound, especially if you have a powered subwoofer to augment the deep low frequency sounds.


Finally,I purchased a second pair of these speakers so that now I have two powered speakers and two unpowered speakers. I have a stereo audio transmitter and two individual wireless receivers for left and right channels that I connected to the two powered speakers and used them as my rear speakers in a 5.1 audio surround sound system. So basically my two rear speakers are wireless and powered. I have the two unpowered speakers on each side of my HDTV and connected to my Marantz 7.1 receiver. Its really overkill to use the powered speakers as my rear speakers, but it is the only technique whereby I can get surround sound unless I rip up the carpet in the master bedroom. I am reluctantly using a different unpowered brand for the center speaker.

最终,我买了两对E4.5。现在,我等于拥有了两只有源音箱和两只无源音箱。我用一个立体声音频发射器和两个单独的无线接收器分别接收左声道和右声道,之后我连接两只有源音箱用作我5.1环绕系统中的后置音箱。所以,基本上我的两只后置音箱是无线并且有源的。我把两只无源音箱分别放在我的高清电视两边,链接我的Marantz 7.1 接收器。将有源音箱作为后置音箱确实很浪费,但是这是我唯一能将整个系统搭建好并且不用破坏我主卧室地板的方式。我非常不情愿的使用了其他品牌的无源音箱作为我的中场音箱。

Mackie CR4

Know what you want, buy without hesitation.

By marcos.p

Background: Im coming to these by way of two different sets of "computer speakers." First, the Logitech Z-5500 5.1 system and, more recently a "holdover" set of speakers the Logitech Z200. The former is iconic and well-respected in certain circles, the second is more like a $20 pair of throwaways. Perhaps more relevant is that Im also coming to these by way of a few different sets of headphones: The Sennheiser momentums, Audio Technica ATH-M50, and Philips Fidelio L1. All of which I find great for different reasons.

我的背景:在我买这对音箱之前,我先后用过两套“电脑音箱”。第一套是Logitech Z-5500 5.1音箱,更近期的是一堆Logitech Z200。前者在一些圈子里是非常有代表性并受到推崇的,后者更像是20美金一对的便宜货。也许跟今天这对CR4音箱更加相关的是我的几个耳机:Sennheiser的momentums,Audio Technica的ATH-M50,和Philips的Fidelio L1。所有这些我都能找到一个它们的不同之处。

First Listening selections: I have a pretty large .flac collection of music, so I can appreciate listening to something other than your average 128kb mp3 file (as far as digital music goes). These speakers DO expose poor fidelity tracks. The first thing I turned to was some Buena Vista Social Club, a bit of Pearl Jam, some tracks from the Roots, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, a bit of Enya, and finally some classic Beastie Boys. I turned to movies and sampled Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Baraka, Zombieland, and The Town.

第一次聆听选歌:我有一个非常庞大的Flac无损音乐库,所以我可以聆听比普通的128kb的mp3文件更加优质的音源。这对音箱能暴漏音源的不足。一开始我听了一些Buena Vista Social Club的歌,一点Pearl Jam,一些the Roots,Tom Petty和Heartbreakers,一些Enya,最后是一些经典的Beastie Boys。之后还有一些电影原声,比如加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪,天地玄黄,僵尸小镇等。

Performance: My very first response at all was a smile. Take that for what its worth. I will say that these speakers are really great, but you have to understand what youre buying. With a 4" midrange and .75" tweeter, these covered about 85% of my catalog with the juicy detail that both of my previous speaker systems were never intended to do. I like them a lot. For movies, I didnt notice it at all (which was great!). In movies, the bass was tight and punchy overall. I would consider these ideal for that purpose. I would also say that this would make them great for gaming as well. They really seem to be glorious little workboxes for the vast majority of the listening time. They produce more than enough sound for any reasonable application and if you think they dont, you either have damaged hearing or youre 15 years old and are working on it.


Incidentals: I bought these knowing exactly what I wanted and hoping these would fit the bill. I wanted a decent set of speakers for watching movies and occasionally listening to music in my home office. These are great for that. Im a little bummed about the lack of sub-bass, but I cant fault the speakers for that because, again, they arent rated for it in the first place. Besides, for me, I honestly I do more music listening through my headphones.


If circumstances were the same, I would buy these again without hesitation. If I had a bit more room in my office, I would probably try to pick up the JBL LSR305s (for $100 to $150 more) since they extend down to a claimed 43Hz (which I believe since I sampled them at Guitar Center).

如果再给我一次选择,我仍然会毫不犹豫的选择这对音箱。如果我的房间更大一些,我可能会考虑JBL LSR305S(100美金-150美金价位中),因为它的下潜能达到43Hz(自从在Guitar Center听过之后我确信这一点)

Hope this helped. 



在这三款主流的市售桌面音箱中,Alesis 的 elevate5 是其中尺寸最大的一款,达到了5寸的低音单元和1寸的高音单元。就低音下潜来说,elevate5无疑有更多的优势,这也导致了在对它的评价中并没有出现低音不足的情况。这三款音箱均是150美金上下,声音的风格表现又各有千秋。如果你想升级你的桌面音箱,可以在这三款中多多选择和参考,真正的好声音,就在它们之中。

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